Our Services
STEM competencies and career paths
A workshop to assist teachers to promote STEM subjects and opportunities, including the wide variety of jobs and careers paths available in Northern Ireland and beyond.
Career paths and opportunities in STEM sectors
- STEM careers – a real opportunity for a fulfilling, rewarding career.
- The vast array of career paths on offer
- Inspiring young people into a university course or career in STEM.
- Study of a number of STEM career paths in Northern Ireland
- The shape of jobs to come – jobs emerging with science and technology developments
Understanding the employee competencies and skills required by STEM Employers
- Employability Skills for STEM careers
- Encouraging and developing key employability skills of pupils throughout their school career, extracurricular activities and work placements.
Inspiring and encouraging
- Capitalising on team working, problem solving and communication skills in class and extracurricular activities
- How to develop links with local STEM industries
Key resources available
- In the community, Sector Skills Councils
- STEM ambassadors
Call us on 028 7034 4445 or email: info@purplepatchni.com
to discuss your requirements